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We really do want this to be a place to relax, chat, and have fun. By being a member of this forum, you agree to, first and foremost, PLAY NICELY WITH OTHERS.

What does it mean to PLAY NICELY?
This means that you don't pick fights. You don't tell someone that they're bad for waiting by a bus. You don't tell them that Damian's off-limits because he's under 18. You don't pretend to speak for the guys... they can speak for themselves. You keep it clean. (Suggestive is okay, filth is not.) You are welcoming to new fans, because without them, CT will never reach the levels of success they should. You don't judge others' behavior, even if they do something you wouldn't do.

Does this mean you have to agree with everyone all of the time? Absolutely not (like that could ever happen). But instead of responding with, "I can't believe you'd do that!" or "You should be ashamed of yourself for saying that!" you either walk away from the conversation or you very politely say that you disagree. And after you state your case, you let it go and drop it. If you want to continue an argument, take if off the board, or you'll find yourself banned faster than you can say "Caledonia."

We will have zero tolerance on this issue. It's our forum, and we make the rules. If you don't like them, you're cordially invited to start your own forum. This forum will be drama-free.

That being said, if we all agree to these rules, this will be a really FUN place. FUN is strongly encouraged here. You want to talk about how hot Keith is, despite the fact he's young enough to be your son? Go ahead... we won't tell! You want to share pictures of you standing by the bus, or meeting the group at a hotel? Great - we want to hear it!Because this is not the official board, we can be a bit more lax about these kinds of things.

For now, this forum is open only by invitation. We'll be keeping an eye on how it goes and may modify these rules as we go along.

Enjoy! We look forward to lots of fun discussions!
The Administrators